In 2004, Barry Cox and Steve Falk created SkyRun Vacation Rentals, a single location property management company in Keystone, Colorado. Barry had a tech and business consulting background, whereas Steve's background was in legal and market development. They both shared a vision and values while offering complementary skills to one another. As they would later discover, this was a recipe for success.
Before they knew it, it was 2007, the company was growing and the industry was booming. This was an era Barry likes to refer to as the ‘powder days.’ In the mountains, powder days are the days when you get a foot plus of light fluffy new snow, when the fun and ease of being on the mountain is magnified one-hundred times and everyone calls in sick to work.
Throughout that era, Barry and Steve acquired knowledge from three years of professional property management and networking with their peers at conferences and decided that SkyRun's future belonged to multi-location property managers. So, Barry and Steve decided to license their brand, process and systems and enable local entrepreneurs to serve vacation guests and property owners the way the industry has for decades. Locally. As Robert Frost would say, Barry and Steve's decision “has made all the difference.”
Currently, SkyRun is a rapidly growing multi-location organization with over one thousand properties in forty plus locations. We have created the sweet spot in vacation rental management by combining the advantages of local ownership and management with the efficiencies, power and support of a national brand. We also never forget that guests don’t just want to stay like a local, they want to play like a local and SkyRun ensures that happens.
We are grateful for the communities in which we operate. Our clients and partners are our neighbors and friends. We treat them as such.
We are grateful for the communities in which we operate. Our clients and partners are our neighbors and friends. We treat them as such.